Korporativ Sosial Məsuliyyət

Kapital Bank provides services to a significant portion of the country's population and representatives from various social strata, covering a wide range of banking services. Moreover, the Bank actively participates in financing significant governmental and infrastructure projects. The Bank's mission is to contribute to the social development of society, promote progress, ensure the prosperity of our country, and foster sustainable economic development. Such a broad spectrum of activities increases the level of responsibility towards clients and employees. As part of external corporate social responsibility, the Bank focuses on several key areas:

“Yasha" Retirement Center

“Yasha" Retirement Center
Enhancing Quality of Life and Inclusivity for Senior Citizens

Retired persons comprise a significant portion of Kapital Bank's client base. However, numerous studies and surveys indicate that the mood, psychological well-being, and overall quality of life for individuals reaching retirement age often undergo significant changes. Many retirees require support in navigating these changes. In response to this need, back in 2018, we initiated a collaboration with the "Third Spring" Public Union and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Through this partnership, we established "Yasha" Center in Baku, dedicated to fostering better quality of life and promoting efficient organization of leisure activities for retirees. Today, branches of the "Yasha" Center are functioning not only in Baku, but also in the cities of Mingachevir and Shamakhi.

The primary objective of "Yasha" centers is to enhance the quality of life and foster inclusivity among elderly individuals by nurturing their mental and physical well-being. These centers host daily training programs, seminars, sports classes, and a variety of meetings covering diverse topics.
As part of this collaboration, retirees also took part in a dedicated internship program at our Bank. The primary objective of this initiative was to engage not only young individuals, but also retirees, with a significant emphasis on demonstrating personal care to our elderly customers. Consequently, we managed to enhance the inclusivity of banking services by prioritizing accessibility and ensuring ease of financial transactions for the older generation.

On average, some 150-200 elderly individuals use services each week at "Yasha" centers, spanning the following domains:

1. Training in financial literacy
2. Guidelines for utilizing pension cards
3. Cashless transactions
4. Utilization of ATMs, payment terminals, and mobile banking
5. Encouragement of efficient utilization of modern information and communication technologies
6. Computer literacy
7. Language proficiency
8. Emotional intelligence

- Health
1. Preservation of physical and mental well-being
2. Informative sessions with healthcare professionals
3. Provision of psychological assistance
4. Offerings of sports and yoga sessions

- Creativity
1. Encouragement of artistic and creative expression
2. Literary creativity evenings
3. Engagements with public figures
4. "Bahar ahangi" choir comprised of elderly members
5. Elderly theater ensemble
6. Diverse creative workshops (drawing, weaving, stained glass, painting, etc.)

- Social entrepreneurship
1. Budget management
2. Establishment of small enterprises
3. Brand development
4. Enhancing sales skills
5. Within the initiative, over 10,000 elderly individuals took part in various activities. Furthermore, with the support of Kapital Bank, numerous events and training sessions are conducted throughout the year.

Updated: 10.05.2024