Korporativ Sosial Məsuliyyət

Kapital Bank provides services to a significant portion of the country's population and representatives from various social strata, covering a wide range of banking services. Moreover, the Bank actively participates in financing significant governmental and infrastructure projects. The Bank's mission is to contribute to the social development of society, promote progress, ensure the prosperity of our country, and foster sustainable economic development. Such a broad spectrum of activities increases the level of responsibility towards clients and employees. As part of external corporate social responsibility, the Bank focuses on several key areas:

Red Hearts Foundation

Red Hearts Foundation

The Red Hearts Foundation commenced its operations in early 2020 as a modest volunteer group comprising Kapital Bank employees. Within a brief period, the initiative, initially comprising only 49 individuals, swiftly attracted compassionate and philanthropic souls, swelling its ranks to 200 members. With the initiative spreading across the country, the Red Hearts team extended material and emotional aid to the families and children of soldiers, veterans, and martyrs who served in the Patriotic War. Throughout the quarantine period enforced due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as on festive occasions and commemorative days, members of the group offered unwavering support to thousands of families. Consequently, the burgeoning initiative group was formally established as the Red Hearts Foundation on December 15, 2020. Presently, in addition to residents within our country, Azerbaijanis residing abroad also apply to the Foundation and join its ranks, wishing to assist those within our society who require support the most.

The key activities of the Red Hearts Foundation encompass the following:

- Community
1. Organizing educational workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns;
2. Hosting diverse social initiatives tailored for children from vulnerable groups;
3. Distributing holiday presents to underprivileged families during festive seasons;
4. Spearheading social initiatives targeting individuals from vulnerable groups.

- Animal Welfare:
1. Helping in securing food supplies for animals in shelters;
2. Facilitating the rehabilitation and medical treatment of shelter animals;
3. Organizing educational initiatives to raise public awareness regarding proper conduct with street animals;
4. Undertaking measures to educate the populace on the importance of safeguarding animal rights.

- Environment
1. Hosting a variety of educational initiatives focused on environmental protection;
2. Arranging cleanup drives in rivers, forests, mountains, seas, lakes, and suburban regions;
3. Organizing large-scale tree planting campaigns across different cities and regions of the country;
For more details on the projects and activities of the Red Hearts Foundation, as well as to apply for donations, please visit redhearts.az.


Updated: 10.05.2024