Necə etməli?
- You can get information about the total debt by logging in personal account from Birbank application;
- by contacting the 196 Call Centre or online chat;
- through payment terminals.
Bu məlumat Sizin üçün faydalı idi?
- CIF code and date of birth;
- In the Birbank application, it is possible to pay off by logging in the personal account.
Bu məlumat Sizin üçün faydalı idi?
- The loan debt must be paid on the day of repayment by 17:00.
- If the payment is not made before 17:00, the funds on the card balance will be directed to pay off the debt.
- At the date of repayment of the loan, funds are blocked on the card balance up to the amount of the monthly debt. Only when making a repayment until 17:00 are funds released from the block.
Note: Blocking means that funds temporarily do not appear on the balance sheet.
Bu məlumat Sizin üçün faydalı idi?
- By logging in the personal account from Birbank application;
- You can also make the payment from Kapital Bank, Emanat and MilliÖn terminals by specifying the CIF code and date of birth.
Note: It is also possible to make a payment using the Birbank application by specifying the CIF code and date of birth.