Debit Card Physical Damage Insurance (card damage)

In case of physical damage or loss of the debit card, plastic cards are replaced by Bank with a new one free of charge at the request of the customer.

  • Beneficiary Debit card holders


Beneficiary: Debit card holders

Collateral risks:

  • Risks of theft and robbery
  • Negative events and situations in ATMs
  • Fire risks
  • Natural disasters
  • Deliberate and intentional actions of third parties
  • Occurrence of losses
  • Other unexpected events
  • In case of physical damage or loss of the debit card, plastic cards are replaced by Bank with a new one free of charge at the request of the customer.
  • The insurance certificate comes into force at the same time with the plastic card contract and is considered valid during the contract period.
  • During the validity period of the insurance, 1-year cards related to the service can be replaced once a year free of charge during the period of use, and 3-year cards can be replaced free of charge 3 times.

You will be able to guarantee your plastic cards with the card damage service offered for customers with debit cards provided by Kapital Bank. In case of physical damage or loss of the debit card as a result of special circumstances, at the request of the customer, plastic cards are replaced by Kapital Bank with a new one free of charge. During the validity period of the insurance, 1-year cards related to the service can be replaced once a year free of charge during the period of use, and 3-year cards can be replaced free of charge 3 times. Risks of theft and robbery, negative events at ATMs, fire risks, natural disasters, intentional actions of third parties, losses, other unforeseen events are the risks covered by the insurance. The insurance certificate comes into force at the same time with the plastic card contract. The insurance card is considered valid throughout its validity period. Insurance payment is made in cash at the time of registration.