Kapital Bank was awarded a special certificate of the Karabakh Revival Fund

On September 8, 2021, the Karabakh Revival Fund met with the members of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan Banks Association (ABA). Mr. Rovshan Allahverdiyev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kapital Bank, who was present at the meeting, received a special “Certificate of Donation”. It should be noted that Kapital Bank donated 500,000 manats to the Fund in February of this year.
The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund, Minister of Economy Mr. Mikail Jabbarov, member of the Supervisory Board, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mr. Mukhtar Babayev, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Elman Rustamov, Chairman of the Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund Mr. Rahman Hajiyev, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Banks Association Mr. Zakir Nuriyev, as well as members of the ABA Presidium and representatives of the local banking sector.
Within the framework of the event, a documentary called “Urbicide in Karabakh” was shown. The film reflects the destroyed buildings and historical monuments in the formerly occupied territories of Azerbaijan. A question and answer session was held with the participants afterwards. During the discussions, the significance of expanding cooperation with existing donors, developing public-private partnerships, as well as involving financial and banking industries, and new potential donors along with various layers of society, was emphasized. The unity of the public and private sectors, various organizations and individual citizens will undoubtedly lead to the speedy revival of our Karabakh. It should be noted that donations to the Karabakh Revival Fund can also be made through Birbank.
Kapital Bank, the country's first bank, is part of PASHA Holding. Kapital Bank has the largest service network in Azerbaijan with 103 branches and 21 departments all over the country. For more detailed information about the Bank’s products and services, please refer to www.kapitalbank.az website, 196 Call Centre or the Bank’s various social network pages.