Kapital Bank offers business overdrafts with an annual interest rate of 0%

Kapital Bank offers a business overdraft to help corporate customers with their day-to-day cashflow. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are clients of Kapital Bank, paying a one-time fee, can receive a business overdraft with an annual interest rate of 0%.
This product enables to perform transactions having no funds on the current account. For such transactions, Kapital Bank provides its business clients with an overdraft limit. Overdraft is very convenient credit product for prompt satisfaction of urgent short-term needs of customer, as it enables the entrepreneurs and companies to use additional funds in order to timely perform obligations to business partners.
A business overdraft from Kapital Bank has multiple advantages: the possibility of obtaining funds by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in a short time; elimination of short-term cashflow issues; the possibility of using for salary, utility and other administrative expenses; fast approval process; competitive amount of financing; the possibility of using tranches; obtaining funds without a contract for each financing, etc.
It should be noted that to apply for a business overdraft, customers can call the corporate information centre at (012) 310 09 99, visit the applications section of Muştəri Bank (https://kbl.az/cbpcr) or refer to Kapital Bank’s social network pages.