“Mobile POS service will contribute heavily to the development of cashless payments”

Kapital Bank launched the first of its kind in Azerbaijan Mobile POS service for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs a couple days ago. The new service will make a huge contribution to the growth of cashless payments and expansion of digital banking in the country. To provide insight into the features, benefits and scope of the new service, we interviewed Heydar T. Suleymanov, Lead of the SME and Corporate Banking Tribe at Kapital Bank.
- Mr. Suleymanov, what are the key benefits of Mobile POS?
- Mobile POS is presented jointly with the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy and Visa. It will allow businesses to use smartphones to accept payments made with cards, smart watches, stickers and other contactless payment methods with no traditional POS terminal required. Until now, in order to be able to accept cashless payments, entrepreneurs had to visit a branch, go through internal banking procedures and install additional equipment. Now sellers can simply submit an online application and turn their smartphones into a POS terminal. The new service was developed by the international IT Company IBA Group and is based on Visa Tap to Phone technology. I am certain that Mobile POS will contribute heavily to the development of cashless payments in Azerbaijan.
- For whom is the new service intended and are there any special conditions for joining?
- Our main target audience are small entrepreneurs working mainly in the field of trade and services: hairdressers, tailors, couriers, taxi drivers, shoemakers, kiosk owners, people working in the food industry, small traders, sellers of fruits and vegetables and others. With Mobile POS, these people will not need to buy, install and carry a traditional POS terminal. To use Mobile POS, the first step is to be a client of Kapital Bank. Entrepreneurs can join the service completely free of charge and without visiting our offices by registering online in the Müştəri Bank mobile app. In addition to accepting touchless payments, Mobile POS also enables businesses to track transaction history and view information about current users. Sellers who would join Mobile POS must have an NFC-enabled smartphone with the Android operating system.
- Is a receipt issued to customers after payment via Mobile POS?
- Of course, the receipt is provided. There are 3 ways to get it: the buyer can provide his mobile phone number or email address to the seller, as well as scan a special QR code generated after payment.
- How can entrepreneurs join the new service through Muştəri Bank?
- To join the service, entrepreneurs must specify the relevant information about the business and users in the app, and the authorized person must sign the application using the ASAN Imza e-signature. After the joining is completed, an email and notification will be sent to the authorized person.
It is worth pointing out that with the help of the Müştəri Bank internet and mobile banking system entrepreneurs can easily and safely use a number of services, such as: urgent transfers, payments to the budget, opening a current account online, joining to a salary project, depositing funds to salary cards, ordering salary cards, delivery of salary cards, ordering an entrepreneur card and a business card, cashless transfers within the country and abroad, currency exchange transaction, account control, receiving statements and information about orders, online credit products etc.
To join the Müştəri Bank system, visit https://cb.kapitalbank.az/login or call (+99 412) 310 09 99. It is possible to get a discount on fees of up to 25% when making transfers through Müştəri Bank.