Red Hearts held a master class for children with Down syndrome

Kapital Bank and the Red Hearts Foundation launched a project to support people with Down syndrome in 2021. The key goal of the project called “Hər şey mümkündür!” (“Anything is possible!”) is to ensure, both morally and materially, active participation of people with Down syndrome in the social life.
As part of the project, Kapital Bank and the Red Hearts Foundation organize master classes in various areas (drawing, dancing, cooking, pottery, patchwork, hippotherapy, etc.) for children with Down syndrome from low-income families. As a continuation of the project, on March 21, 2022, on the eve of the World Down Syndrome Day, several more events were held.
Various activities and master classes were held for children with Down syndrome at the Kinderland Entertainment center and IL Patio restaurant, which are partners of the project. In the event, the children made an exciting journey into the world of professions, tried themselves as a doctor, firefighter, policeman, pilot, cook, scientist, actor, stylist, etc. The purpose of the event was to provide children with Down syndrome with a real life experience in the world of professions and help in the formation of learning skills.
Red Hearts was founded in December 2019 at the initiative of Kapital Bank’s employees. The organization, which currently operates as a foundation, mainly provides assistance to orphanages, shelters and people in need. To discover more about the Foundation's activities, ongoing charity projects and campaigns, plans and other interesting information please refer to the official website