Kapital Bank cancels BirKart’s cash withdrawal and transfer fee

Kapital Bank has made some changes to the conditions for BirKart. The cash withdrawals and transfer fee with BirKart debit cards has been reduced to 0%, and the grace period for installment cards has been increased from 40 to 60 days. Today, BirKart's share in the installment card market in Azerbaijan is 60%, and the new conditions will make the card more profitable for customers.
From now on, holders of BirKart debit cards can withdraw cash from more than 1,000 Kapital Bank ATMs across Azerbaijaт with no-fee. Plus, users of these cards will not pay any fee for card to card transfers within the country. Both changes apply to transactions up to AZN 4 000, carried out within a month.
Another change concerns the owners of BirKart installment cards. Holders of these cards will now be able to use the grace period not up to 40, but up to 60 days.
BirKart is presented in four types: ƏDV, Cashback, Miles and Umico. BirKart has a number of features, such as: installment option for up to 18 months, up to 60 days of grace period for lump-sum payments, user-friendly mobile app for card management, loyalty program, free SMS notification service and a host of other things. BirKart has more than 10 000 partner stores all over the country and this number is constantly growing.
For more detailed information about BirKart please refer to www.birkart.az, 196 Call Centre or the cards’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/birkart.az. BirKart can be ordered by sending an SMS to the short number 8196, contacting via WhatsApp at (+994 50) 999 81 96, as well as through BirKart card centers.