Credit Cards
Take advantage of interest-free and commission-free installments in nearly 4,000 partner stores with Birbank's credit cards. Make your payments conveniently with 2x VAT and free cashout options Birbank credit cards offer.
Our new card with a credit line up to 30,000 ₼ has everything you need, from simplicity and convenience to cashback and 2x VAT refund. Plus…
- Complicated calculations None
- Interest None
- Commissions None
Birbank's unique credit cards provide interest-free and commission-free installments. BirKart Cashback (Birbank Cashback), BirKart Umico (Birbank Umico), and BirKart Miles (Birbark Miles) cards provide you with interest-free installments. Credit cards, acquired for free, allow you to use installment options in about 4,000 partner stores. Birbank installment card is recommended for those receiving salary/ pension from Kapital Bank or other banks with a grace period of 63 days. Birbank Cashback and Umico Cards allow you to make interest-free installments with cashback interest from 1.5%. You can get no-contact credit cards just by presenting your ID card. With the online card ordering service, you can purchase from Kapitalbank. az, Birbank. az, Birbank, and Wolt application without going to the branch.