Continuously updated campaigns by Kapital Bank. Know the offers, enjoy the special opportunities.

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“Kapital Bank” ASC (Bakı şəh., Nəsimi r-nu, Füzuli küç. 71) 05 noyabr 2018-ci il tarixli 244 nömrəli Bank Lisenziyası əsasında fəaliyyət göstərir.
Kapital Bank offers loan and Birbank card campaigns on terms favourable for customers. Continuously updated campaigns let you enjoy loans with a lower interest rate, high cashback and interest on savings. You will be able to use the banking products with special discounts and benefits applied. Campaign related information will let you take advantage of the opportunities covering cash loans for you to meet your cash needs. You will also be able to enjoy high cashback rates, special discounts, installment payment options with bank cards making your purchases even more profitable. The renewable special offers for Birbank installment cards are available for you as well. They will let you shop fast and trouble-free. You can find out more about the terms and conditions of the campaigns, as well as related documents applied by the Bank.