Loan amount
up to 250 000 AZN
Loan term
3-20 years (36 - 240 months)
Annual interest rate
Starting from 8%
Kreditlər haqqında ətraflı məlumatlar
With and without deed document
1.12-36 months ~ 8%;
2.37-60 months ~ 9%;
3.61-120 months ~ 10%;
4.121-180 months 11%;
5.181-240 months ~ 12%;
AZN 30 000 - AZN 250 000 (The maximum loan amount for apartments purchased from partner construction companies is AZN 500 000.)
If the client has official income: 20%
If the client has non-official income: 40%
Commission fee for the loan is 0,5%.
Expense from the notary`s account* is 0,5%. (Corresponding account must be with Kapital Bank OJSC)
Apartments in new buildings
Apartments in old buildings
1.9- and more storey buildings built before 1970
2.Specifically designed buildings built after 1970
Apartments in buildings with special architectural design
Employees of public and private companies with official income, as well as retirees
Individuals with non-official income and entrepreneurs who are taxpayers (based on TIN)
Insurance process for property and life insurances is carried out in the bank
Collateral assessment is made by the bank
Identification document of the borrower (s)
Certified copy of marriage certificate. Certificate of celibacy if single. (Court decision and divorce certificate if divorced)
Identification documents of family members reached and not reached the age of majority living with the borrower (s).
Copies of birth certificates of the borrower (s) and his/her spouse
In case of official income;
1.A copy of employment record book approved by the employment contract of the borrower (s) or the personnel department of his/her workplace (each page must be certified. (*The mentioned documents may not be required if information on the borrower`s workplace is obtained from e-gov)
2.Documents confirming the income of the borrower (s) (certificate of main and, if any, additional employment (with work experience), bank statements from payroll cards, etc.)
For entrepreneurs who are taxpayers
1.A copy of the certificate of registration of the entrepreneur with the tax authorities
2.Income tax or simplified tax return accepted by the tax authorities
3.Certificate on financial situation for the last 12 months by the tax authorities
For individuals with non-official income
1.Necessary documents may be required to confirm the income

Kapital Bank provides the clients purchased apartments by internal mortgage with Gift Certificate. You will be able to get the necessary materials and all household items for the repair of a new apartment at discounted prices in many partner stores with a "Gift Certificate" valid for 3 years.
Please see the list of partners list here.
With this voucher, you will be able to do shopping with special discount from the list of stores provided by Kapital Bank for repair and maintenance, freight and other services of the apartment owned by you as a part of "Internal Mortgage" product.
The certificate is valid for 3 years from its issuance.
With the certificate you can do shopping on the following 12 areas:
2.Sanitary ware
3.Construction materials
7.Electrical products
9.Security systems
12.Other services
The certificate may be used only once for each area.
Term: 1–20 years
Amount: AZN 30 000–500 000
Annual interest rate: starting from 8%
Initial payment: starting from 30%
WhatsApp: (+99451) 250 99 99
Hərbiçi kreditini əldə edin!
Personal information
ID card
The companies we cooperate with

PMD Group
(+994 50) 707-57-75
Hasan Seyidbeyli 122, Gumush Residence C block
[email protected]

Knightsbridge MTK
(+99412) 525-12-34 (+994) 51 577 12 34
Baku city, 8 November avenue 151
[email protected]

Inshaatchi 3 LLC
(+99412) 497-84-94
(+99450) 271 99 77
Talat Shikhaliyev 20
[email protected]

(+994 50) 235 24 93
Nizami district, Heydar Aliyev ave. 115/187 B, Caspian Sport Hotel & Plaza
[email protected]
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