

1. Interest-bearing unsecured book-entry registered subordinated bonds

State registration number – ISIN: AZ2008005152

Bond issuance volume: 35,000,000 USD

Quantity: 350,000 units

Par value: 100 USD

Annual interest rate: 7%

The maturity of the coupon interest income: quarterly

Circulation period: 7 years

Dates of bond placement and redemption: April 17, 2024 – April 17, 2031

2. Interest-bearing unsecured book-entry registered bonds

Bond issuance volume: 100,000,000 AZN

Quantity: 1,000,000 units

Annual interest: 10%

Par value: 100 AZN

The maturity of the coupon interest income: monthly

Circulation period: 1 year

2.1 Information about the first tranche:

Bond issuance volume: 50,000,000 AZN

Dates of bond placement and redemption: April 17, 2024 – April 17, 2031

Quantity: 500,000 units

State registration number - ISIN: AZ2009005151

2.2 Information about the second tranche:

Issuance Volume: 50,000,000 AZN

Quantity: 500,000 units

State registration number – ISIN: AZ2011005157

PDF name: Baza emissiya prospekti